Learn the Hidden Fees of Credit Card Processing

Learn the Hidden Fees of Credit Card Processing–and Greatly Increase Your Firm’s Profitability

Recently, LexCharge Strategic Consultant Jeff Shavitz hosted a webinar with legal practice management partner Rocket Matter. We’ve had great feedback from the webinar, so we wanted to make the recording available to those that weren’t able to attend.

Click here to watch the webinar for free!

Webinar Description:
Lawyers rarely have time to work strictly on their businesses because they’re always so busy practicing law. For instance, most attorneys and their office managers are so engulfed in day-to-day issues that they pay little to no attention to the costs associated with credit card transactions.

However, this is a mistake. There can be so many hidden fees when accepting American Express, Visa, MasterCard, and Discover that it’s critical to understand exactly what you’re paying for and why. Otherwise, you can spend a lot more money than necessary. Also, you need to establish a payments program that works for your firm and for your customers.

Whether your firm currently accepts credit cards or is considering establishing a credit card program in 2018, this webinar will teach you important facts and insider tips about merchant services.